Pearl Earrings Require Gentle Care
Pearl jewelry such as a pair of pearl earrings or a pearl necklace may be the most valued piece in your jewelry collection. Special attention to the care of your pearl earrings will ensure they will retain their original luster and provide years of enjoyment. Pearls are much more fragile than other gemstones therefore must be treated differently than other jewelry. Rough handling, improper cleaning, or exposure to foreign substances can easily damage your prized possession and detract from their original beauty. >
Last On, First Off
One such foreign substance can be the harsh chemicals found in today’s cosmetics. Hairspray, perfume, and body oils can also be the enemies of pearls. Don’t take the chance of hairspray overspray or perfume mist coming in contact with them. It is strongly recommended when preparing for your evening that your pearls should be the last item you put on, and the first item you take off when returning home.
It’s a Jungle Out There